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Send In A Submission

Submit A Written Piece

Please put the English translation in the box 


Disclaimer: Not every piece makes the cut or fits our theme. We do not find your piece bad if decide to not feature it. We must make sure everything is school appropriate. We can not guarantee your writing will be put onto our site or into the physical publication.

Thank you for sharing your writing! Look out for it here or in our physical publication! If there are any problems we will be in contact!

Written Submissions

If the piece above was marked multilingual please provide the original translation and information below.

Thank you for sharing your translated writing! 

Submit A Photograph

Once you hit submit we look at these factors to get a feel for your image. We will then decide whether to or not to feature your picture. When we make a decision, you will be notified. If it is chosen to go into our photo gallery, we will ask you for the image.


Disclaimer: Not every photograph makes the cut or fits our theme. We do not find it bad if it's decided to not feature it. We must make sure everything is school appropriate. We can not guarantee your photo will be put into our gallery or the physical publication.

Thank you for expressing your interest in sharing your photography!

Photography Submissions
Submit An Art Piece

Once you hit submit we look at these factors to get a feel for your work. We will then decide whether to or not to feature your piece. When we make a decision, you will be notified. If your piece is chosen to go into our art gallery, we will ask you for photographs of it.


Disclaimer: Not every piece makes the cut or fits our theme. We do not find your piece bad if decide to not feature it. We must make sure everything is school appropriate. We can not guarantee your art will be put into our gallery or physical publication.

Thank you for expressing your interest in sharing your art!

Art Submissions
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