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Why I Love Music

Written by Liz Hernandez

Music helps me deal with my emotions. It fades away my stress and makes me really happy. Some of my favorite artist are: Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, and Harry Styles. When I listen to them I feel good. Sometimes, I love singing to the lyrics at top of my lungs. Yes, this sounds crazy and all, but we all do this even if you say you don’t. Everyone has done this at least once. I am inspired by all of these amazing artists to write songs. Although, I’m not good at writing music and poems, I try. I considered myself a kind of good singer. I still need practice, but like they say, “practice makes perfect”. I have made covers of myself singing, but I don’t post them to social media. Probably, if I did I would regret it and delete them later because even though I think my voice is good I’m not sure what others might think about it. In the past, I as bullied, so ’m still insecure about what others might think of my voice.

I also love music because when I’m feeling a certain way: stressed, happy, sad, or upset I can relate to the lyrics and emotions evoked by a song. I enjoy this because I feel like I’m connecting with the artist.

I mostly listen to pop, a little rock and rap, but not that much rap. I don’t listen to a lot of rap because some rap songs don’t really make sense and they send a bad message to children. But, this is my opinion. Yes, some pop and rock songs have curse words, but rap has way more. I don’t like it and that’s all. Also, I don’t like rap because most rap song don’t have good life lessons.

I feel like music is something you can listen to anywhere, in your car, bedroom, at parties, in school, and sometimes in the bathroom. I mean, I don’t know how the world would be without music. But, all I know is that I’m happy it is part of my life.

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